Why Strength Training Is Important
Repeated research shows that strength peaks in the third decade, remains unchanged or decreases slightly into the fifth decade, and then declines more rapidly after that — at a rate of 12-15% per decade (Hunter et al., Sports Medicine, 2004). The reductions in strength with age, moreover, are seen most in our legs. Finally, muscle power — the ability to develop force quickly — declines even more rapidly with aging than strength. Resistance training two to three times a week has been shown in studies to increase both strength and muscle power.
Loss of muscle strength with aging often leads to injuries by putting more pressure on joints, tendons and ligaments and by causing alterations in running form. The incidence of injury among runners is all too common. According to one recent study, approximately 56% of recreational runners and as many as 90% of runners training for a marathon will sustain a running-related injury each year (Heiderscheit et al, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise , 2011)
Repeated research shows that strength peaks in the third decade, remains unchanged or decreases slightly into the fifth decade, and then declines more rapidly after that — at a rate of 12-15% per decade (Hunter et al., Sports Medicine, 2004). The reductions in strength with age, moreover, are seen most in our legs. Finally, muscle power — the ability to develop force quickly — declines even more rapidly with aging than strength. Resistance training two to three times a week has been shown in studies to increase both strength and muscle power.
Loss of muscle strength with aging often leads to injuries by putting more pressure on joints, tendons and ligaments and by causing alterations in running form. The incidence of injury among runners is all too common. According to one recent study, approximately 56% of recreational runners and as many as 90% of runners training for a marathon will sustain a running-related injury each year (Heiderscheit et al, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise , 2011)