"One of The Best Times of My Life"

- Katie Doucette, executive coach and organizational consultant, wife, mother, grandmother, friend, triathlete
Why is this such a great time in life, Katie?
“Based on my values, who I am, and who I strive to be I’ve done the hard work of the first stage of adult developmental. I’ve established and nurtured a strong relationship with my husband. We raised a family. I established myself professionally in work I love and am respected for; value my friends; and continue to take risks in the service of growth. Physical activity is part of that growth and enjoyment.
This is a wonderful time in life because I don’t have to work as hard as was necessary up to this stage of life. I feel like a farmer who planted seeds and tilled the soil. Now I’m reaping the so many benefits and joys of that hard work.”
Katie divides her time between Syracuse and Boston – with family, working, and training.
“With a busy schedule and multiple demands, having a coach and community for training eliminates unnecessary decisions that I don’t have time to make. Having an coach/expert who can teach and guide me, encourage me, hold me accountable, and validate what I’m doing allows me just to follow and focus on the training…..not on questions of what I should do or not do.
Consistency and Discipline
“A goal for me is consistency and discipline. I have a history of being inconsistent in my training and working out, and also tend to take on too much. Recently I had incredibly valuable learning experience that has strengthened my discipline. I set and achieved a goal of doing 5 minutes of strength 5 to 6 times a week-a very doable goal. Before this, I would not have thought I could get the results from just 5 minutes of strength training.”
“Having finished 5 days of strength training over the past 5 weeks – 25 workouts in total- I can already see that the small consistent commitment over time has been incredibly powerful. This practice relieved me of a lot of pressure while reaping great benefits. The routine has improved my stamina in running and on the bike. In addition, it’s strengthening my sense of self-mastery and self-discipline.”
Why is this such a great time in life, Katie?
“Based on my values, who I am, and who I strive to be I’ve done the hard work of the first stage of adult developmental. I’ve established and nurtured a strong relationship with my husband. We raised a family. I established myself professionally in work I love and am respected for; value my friends; and continue to take risks in the service of growth. Physical activity is part of that growth and enjoyment.
This is a wonderful time in life because I don’t have to work as hard as was necessary up to this stage of life. I feel like a farmer who planted seeds and tilled the soil. Now I’m reaping the so many benefits and joys of that hard work.”
Katie divides her time between Syracuse and Boston – with family, working, and training.
“With a busy schedule and multiple demands, having a coach and community for training eliminates unnecessary decisions that I don’t have time to make. Having an coach/expert who can teach and guide me, encourage me, hold me accountable, and validate what I’m doing allows me just to follow and focus on the training…..not on questions of what I should do or not do.
Consistency and Discipline
“A goal for me is consistency and discipline. I have a history of being inconsistent in my training and working out, and also tend to take on too much. Recently I had incredibly valuable learning experience that has strengthened my discipline. I set and achieved a goal of doing 5 minutes of strength 5 to 6 times a week-a very doable goal. Before this, I would not have thought I could get the results from just 5 minutes of strength training.”
“Having finished 5 days of strength training over the past 5 weeks – 25 workouts in total- I can already see that the small consistent commitment over time has been incredibly powerful. This practice relieved me of a lot of pressure while reaping great benefits. The routine has improved my stamina in running and on the bike. In addition, it’s strengthening my sense of self-mastery and self-discipline.”