10 Minutes of Strength - Version "A"
With 2 Minute Stretch and 1 Minute Reflection
With 2 Minute Stretch and 1 Minute Reflection
1. Squats – 1 minute
2. Bridges - 1 minute
3. Straight Leg Raises on all fours - 1 minute
4. Bent Leg Raises on all fours - 1 minute
5. Planks: Front (1 minute) and side plank (30 seconds each side) – 2 minutes
6. Push-Ups (1 minute - either form)
7. Dips (1 minute)
8. Downward Dog Stretch (1 minute)
9. Forward Lunge With Side Stretch (30 seconds/side)
10. Forward Bend Hamstring Stretch and Reflection